Our Perspective

Our Approach

Gathering to worship God. Listening to God’s heart.

We believe that being the people of God in Edmonton flows from a series of intentional acts, including gathering regularly in sacred space, celebrating at the Lord’s table, reading scripture and praying together, responding to the rhythm of the Christian liturgical calendar, and attending to beauty, sacred music, and creating space for silence.

Our Sunday morning worship follows a traditional, liturgical format. We believe many people still desire to hear an organ played beautifully, to sing hymns from a hymnbook, to enjoy choral and hand-bell choirs, and to recite the prayers and creeds that have come to us from previous generations and have formed our Christian story for hundreds of years. Sometimes our own liturgical writers compose the prayers; sometimes we use ancient or beloved prayers. We sing from our hearts to God. We celebrate the arts—music (choral and instrumental), painting, poetry, sculpture—both to engage in our faith and to celebrate life in its fullness.

In keeping with Baptist tradition, many people share “the work of doing,” each one contributing from what they are gifted in and passionate about.

Our Focus

Journeying and following Jesus together for the good of the world.

Our day-in day-out focus is on spiritual formation. We believe that in everything we do—working, playing, socializing, creating new things or re-creating ourselves and those close to us—we are living out the Christ-life, the “way of Jesus” in the downtown area of the city and beyond. Every day we are learning what it means to be spiritual companions together, realizing that the best way to be formed in Christ is within the context of community … whether in a one-to-one relationship or in a small group gathering.

We are not a highly programmed church; this gives us the freedom to spend time with family, friends and neighbours who need us during the week. Church-based programs are available to meet the interests of people of all ages. We also offer volunteer opportunities connected to our primary partnerships.

Our Call

Seeking the peace & well-being (Shalom) of the city.

We explore and attempt to proclaim the revolutionary grace and immense call of the gospel. “Who we are” changes with everyone who joins us or leaves us, but “what we are about” is constant. We gather around the written word and the Lord’s table (what other traditions might call the Eucharist).

We steadfastly pursue the “radicals”— radical welcome, radical generosity, and radical reverence (to Christ and to one another). We find joy in this work because we do it together and for the sake of God. We listen. And we point to Jesus, the author and pioneer of our faith.

We strive to create a welcome and safe place for people who have had a difficult history with organized religion. We are informed and inspired by these words from Jeremiah 29:7:

Seek the shalom (peace) of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its shalom you will find your shalom.