
First Baptist Church, Edmonton, is a Christian community in the Baptist tradition, celebrating together our life as the people of the living God.

As a community, we worship God together, hear and study scripture, teach, learn, serve, sing, pray and play. We aim to use our time, money, resources, gifts and talents to serve Jesus Christ and our neighbours, both near and far. We pray that the life of God will be visible through us in all that we do together in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We celebrate and express our identity, purpose and mission through:

thoughtful, liturgical worship


congregational and choral music


pipe organ, handbells and instrumental ensembles


incorporating intergenerational worship and celebration


teaching and learning for all ages


participating in service projects


partnering with other ministries


offering bible studies and other small groups

Celebrating the God-given worth of every person, we seek to worship and act in solidarity with people displaced, silenced, and harmed by injustice.

We have much to learn as we undertake the difficult work of healing relationships damaged by our complicity with, and indifference to, forms of oppression.

These include, but are not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, colonialism, and classism.


We are committed to learning from the lived experiences of others, engaging in critical self-reflection, and ongoing spiritual formation. We pray for wisdom and humility as we find our way forward.