
First Baptist Church organizes and/or hosts several events and gatherings throughout year. These events are usually connected to the ebb and flow of the Christian Calendar.

Upcoming events

FBC Friendship Circle

Tuesdays, twice/month, from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

E-mail or phone the church office for the current schedule

Regular Gatherings

Adult Bible Study & Faith Formation

From January 19 – February 9 Dr. Jo-Ann Badley will offer a study of the Book of Ruth in the chapel, on Sundays from 9:30 – 10:30 AM.

The Book of Ruth is a story of famine and barrenness turned to food and a baby.

The story raises questions about how God is involved in our daily lives and offers some surprising answers.

Multi-week series in the church chapel or parlourĀ (children’s programming is provided during this hour)
Sundays from 9:30-10:30am

Theology and Donuts (Youth grades 7-12)

A gathering place for youth at FBC
from 9:30-10:30am

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday
September – June
Service starts at 11:00 am

July- August
Summer Service starts at 10:00am

The Season of Events

Devotional Resources and Spiritual Practices are available from the FBC Ministry Staff. E-mail or phone the church office for more information and/or come to the church during office hours for a time of meditation and reflection.